1. Basic Linear Algebra in PyTorch

Notebooks and Slides

Table of contents

  1. Vectors and Tensors: The Foundation
  2. Matrix Operations
  3. Finding Patterns with SVD
  4. Summary


In Lecture 0, we classified spam using word frequencies as vectors. Each email became a point in high-dimensional space, where dimensions represented word counts. Linear algebra revealed the underlying geometry - similar emails clustered together, and a linear boundary separated spam from non-spam.

Now we’ll explore how PyTorch implements these operations efficiently. Three key ideas emerge:

  1. Tensors extend vectors and matrices to arbitrary dimensions, enabling us to process thousands of emails simultaneously
  2. Memory layout and broadcasting determine computational efficiency - critical when processing large datasets
  3. SVD reveals structure in data, like discovering which word combinations best distinguish spam

Let’s start with vectors and their computational counterpart, tensors.

Vectors and Tensors: The Foundation

Vectors form the building blocks of data representation. In the spam example, each dimension measured a word’s frequency. Here, we’ll use temperature readings to build intuition:

# Temperature readings (Celsius)
readings = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])  # Morning, noon, night
print(readings)  # tensor([22.5000, 23.1000, 21.8000])

PyTorch implements vectors as tensors, optimizing the underlying memory and computation:

# Compare two days
morning = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])  # Yesterday
evening = torch.tensor([21.0, 22.5, 20.9])  # Today
alpha = 0.5  # Averaging weight

# Vector addition: component-wise operation
total = morning + evening  # Parallel computation
print(total)  # tensor([43.5000, 45.6000, 42.7000])

# Scalar multiplication: uniform scaling
weighted = alpha * morning  # Efficient broadcast
print(weighted)  # tensor([11.2500, 11.5500, 10.9000])

Creating Tensors

PyTorch generalizes vectors to n-dimensional arrays. The shape property defines the array structure and guides computation:

# Vector creation methods
temps = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])     # From data
print(f"Vector shape: {temps.shape}")         # torch.Size([3])

zeros = torch.zeros(3)                        # Initialized
print(f"Zeros shape: {zeros.shape}")          # torch.Size([3])

# Matrix: week of readings
weekly = torch.randn(7, 3)                    # Random normal
print(f"Matrix shape: {weekly.shape}")        # torch.Size([7, 3])

Quick Check 1: Understanding Shapes

morning = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])
evening = torch.zeros_like(morning)           # Same shape as morning
combined = morning + evening
print(combined.shape, combined)               # Shape preserved in operations

Vector Operations

PyTorch implements these operations:

The dot product reveals relationships between vectors. For temperature data, it shows if two days follow similar patterns - high values indicate similar temperature variations. The norm quantifies the overall magnitude of temperature fluctuations.

# Combining sensor readings
day1 = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])  # Warmer day
day2 = torch.tensor([21.0, 22.5, 20.9])  # Cooler day

# Average readings
avg = (day1 + day2) / 2
print(avg)  # tensor([21.75, 22.80, 21.35])

# Dot product reveals pattern similarity
similarity = torch.dot(day1, day2)
print(f"Similarity: {similarity:.1f}")  # 1447.9: high similarity
print(f"Day 1 magnitude: {torch.norm(day1, p=2):.1f}")  # 38.9
print(f"Day 2 magnitude: {torch.norm(day2, p=2):.1f}")  # 37.2

These numbers reveal the temperature patterns:

  1. High dot product (1447.9) shows days follow similar patterns
  2. Day 1’s larger magnitude (38.9 vs 37.2) confirms it was warmer
  3. Small magnitude difference (4.6%) indicates mild temperature variation

The angle between vectors, computed as $\cos(\theta) = \frac{x \cdot y}{|x||y|}$, measures pattern similarity independent of magnitude. For these days:

cos_theta = similarity / (torch.norm(day1) * torch.norm(day2))
print(f"Pattern similarity: {cos_theta:.3f}")  # 0.999: nearly identical patterns

This near-1 cosine shows the temperature curves are almost identical shapes, just shifted slightly in magnitude.

Quick Check 2: Vector Norms

# Computing average deviation from mean
readings = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])
mean = readings.mean()
deviations = readings - mean
magnitude = torch.sqrt(torch.dot(deviations, deviations))
print(f"Average deviation: {magnitude/3:.4f}")  # Average deviation: 0.3067

Memory Layout

Computers store tensors in physical memory as contiguous blocks. Row-major ordering means elements within a row are adjacent:

Memory Layout

This layout affects performance:

  1. Row operations are fast - elements are contiguous in memory, maximizing cache usage
  2. Column operations are slower - elements are separated by row stride, causing cache misses
  3. Matrix multiplication performance depends on access patterns and memory hierarchy

For temperature data:

# Fast: accessing one day's readings (row)
day_readings = week_temps[0]  # Contiguous memory access

# Slower: accessing one time across days (column)
morning_temps = week_temps[:, 0]  # Strided memory access

# Matrix multiply organizes computation to maximize cache usage
result = torch.mm(week_temps, weights.view(-1, 1))

Understanding memory layout helps choose efficient operations:

Puzzle: Vector Operations

Given temperature readings from two days:

day1 = torch.tensor([22.5, 23.1, 21.8])  # Morning, noon, night
day2 = torch.tensor([21.0, 22.5, 20.9])  # Morning, noon, night
  1. Compute their similarity (dot product)
  2. Find the angle between them: cos(θ) = (u·v)/(‖u‖‖v‖)
  3. Interpret: are the temperature patterns similar?

Matrix Operations

Matrices help analyze multiple days of temperature readings at once:

# One week of temperature readings (7 days × 3 times per day)
week_temps = torch.tensor([
    [22.5, 23.1, 21.8],  # Monday
    [21.0, 22.5, 20.9],  # Tuesday
    [23.1, 24.0, 22.8],  # Wednesday
    [22.8, 23.5, 21.9],  # Thursday
    [21.5, 22.8, 21.2],  # Friday
    [20.9, 21.8, 20.5],  # Saturday
    [21.2, 22.0, 20.8]   # Sunday
print(f"Shape: {week_temps.shape}")  # torch.Size([7, 3])
print(f"Total elements: {week_temps.numel()}")  # Number of elements

Basic Matrix Operations

For matrices $A$ and $B$ of the same size:

These operations preserve the structure of the data while revealing patterns:

# Last week's temperatures
last_week = torch.tensor([
    [21.5, 22.1, 20.8],  # Morning, noon, night
    [20.0, 21.5, 19.9],
    [22.1, 23.0, 21.8]

# This week's temperatures
this_week = torch.tensor([
    [22.5, 23.1, 21.8],
    [21.0, 22.5, 20.9],
    [23.1, 24.0, 22.8]

# Temperature change shows consistent warming
temp_change = this_week - last_week
print("Temperature changes:")
# tensor([[1., 1., 1.],  # Uniform 1°C increase
#         [1., 1., 1.],  # across all times
#         [1., 1., 1.]]) # and days

# Average temperatures reveal daily pattern
daily_means = this_week.mean(dim=0)
print("\nAverage temperatures:")
print(daily_means)  # tensor([22.2000, 23.2000, 21.8333])
#                     Morning   Noon     Night

The outputs reveal clear patterns:

  1. Consistent 1°C warming trend across all measurements
  2. Daily cycle: warmest at noon (23.2°C), coolest at night (21.8°C)
  3. Morning temperatures (22.2°C) between extremes

Quick Check: Matrix Operations

# What's the output shape and meaning?
week_temps = torch.randn(7, 3)       # Week of readings
day_weights = torch.ones(7) / 7      # Equal weights for each day
weighted_means = ???

Matrix Multiplication

Matrix multiplication combines information across dimensions. For matrices $A$ and $B$: $c_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^n a_{ik}b_{kj}$

For matrix-vector multiplication $(Ax = b)$: $b_i = \sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}x_j$

This operation is fundamental because:

Matrix Multiplication

# Temperature readings and weights
temps = torch.tensor([
    [22.5, 23.1, 21.8],  # Day 1: morning, noon, night
    [21.0, 22.5, 20.9],  # Day 2: morning, noon, night
    [23.1, 24.0, 22.8]   # Day 3: morning, noon, night

weights = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.3, 0.2])  # Recent days matter more

# Matrix-vector multiply
weighted_means = torch.mv(temps, weights)  # Uses BLAS
print("Weighted averages per time:")

The weighted averages reveal:

  1. Morning temperatures stable around 22.5°C
  2. Noon shows most variation (21.4°C)
  3. Night temperatures highest recently (23.3°C)

This analysis weights recent days more heavily, capturing current trends rather than long-term averages.


Broadcasting generalizes operations between tensors of different shapes. It extends the mathematical concept of scalar multiplication to more general shape-compatible operations. For a vector $v \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$:

\[(A * v)_{ij} = a_{ij} * v_j\]

This operation implicitly replicates the vector across rows, but without copying memory. The computational advantages are significant:

# Temperature readings across days
day_temps = torch.tensor([
    [22.5, 23.1, 21.8],  # Day 1: morning, noon, night
    [21.0, 22.5, 20.9],  # Day 2
    [23.1, 24.0, 22.8]   # Day 3

# Sensor calibration factors (per time of day)
calibration = torch.tensor([1.02, 0.98, 1.01])

# Broadcasting: each time slot gets its calibration
calibrated = day_temps * calibration  # Shape [3,3] * [3] -> [3,3]
print("Original vs Calibrated:")
print(day_temps[0])      # Before calibration
print(calibrated[0])     # After calibration

Broadcasting figure

Broadcasting rules follow mathematical intuition:

  1. Trailing dimensions must match exactly
  2. Missing dimensions are implicitly size 1
  3. Size 1 dimensions stretch to match larger dimensions

This enables concise, efficient code:

# Temperature adjustments
base = torch.tensor([[22.5, 23.1, 21.8],    # Base readings
                    [21.0, 22.5, 20.9]])
offset = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.0, -0.5])     # Per-time adjustments
scale = torch.tensor([1.02, 0.98]).view(-1, 1)  # Per-day scaling

# Multiple broadcasts in one expression
adjusted = scale * (base + offset)  # Combines both adjustments
print("Adjusted shape:", adjusted.shape)

Quick Check: Broadcasting

temps = torch.tensor([[22.5, 23.1, 21.8],
                     [21.0, 22.5, 20.9]])
offset = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.0, -0.5])

adjusted = temps + offset  # What's the shape?

Puzzle: Temperature Analysis

Given a week of readings and calibrations:

week_temps = torch.tensor([
    [22.5, 23.1, 21.8],  # Each row: morning, noon, night
    [21.0, 22.5, 20.9],
    [23.1, 24.0, 22.8]
calibration = torch.tensor([1.02, 0.98, 1.01])  # Per sensor
importance = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.3, 0.2])      # Per day
  1. Apply sensor calibrations
  2. Compute weighted average for each time
  3. Find which time has most stable temperatures

Finding Patterns with SVD

SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) reveals structure in data by factoring a matrix $A$ into orthogonal components: $A = U\Sigma V^T$. Let’s see how this helps analyze our spam data:

# Feature matrix: 10 emails × 5 features
# Features: exclamation_count, urgent_words, suspicious_links, caps_ratio, length

U, S, V = torch.linalg.svd(X)
print("Singular values:", S)
# tensor([11.3077,  1.4219,  0.5334,  0.2697,  0.0496])

print("Energy per pattern:", 100 * S**2 / torch.sum(S**2), "%")
# tensor([98.17, 1.55, 0.22, 0.06, 0.00]) %

The decomposition reveals:

  1. Feature patterns (V): Which features occur together
  2. Email patterns (U): How emails combine features
  3. Pattern strengths (S): How important each pattern is

Looking at the first pattern:

print("Feature pattern:", V[0])  # tensor([-0.0206, -0.0076, -0.0061, -0.0010, -0.9997])
print("Email pattern:", U[:, 0]) # Similar weights around -0.3 for all emails

This dominant pattern, with singular value 431.75 (99.95% of total variation), shows an important principle in data analysis: high variation doesn’t always mean high discriminative power. The first singular vector is dominated by text length (-0.9997), with negligible contributions from other features. Despite capturing most of the data’s variation, this direction doesn’t help classify spam - both legitimate and spam emails can be long or short, as shown by the similar weights (around -0.3) for all emails in U[:, 0].

Looking at the second pattern:

print("Second feature pattern:", V[1])  # tensor([0.9283, 0.2724, 0.2503, 0.0304, -0.0227])
print("Second email pattern:", U[:, 1]) # Positive for spam, negative for non-spam

The second singular vector, despite having a much smaller singular value (9.2474, only 0.046% of total variation), is far more informative for classification. It shows that exclamation marks (0.9283) and urgent words (0.2724) cluster together, and the corresponding email pattern clearly separates spam (positive values for first 5 emails) from non-spam (negative values for last 5 emails).

This illustrates a key insight: the directions of highest variation in your data (found by SVD) may not be the most useful for your task. While text length accounts for most of the variation between emails, the more subtle patterns of exclamation marks and urgent language are what actually distinguish spam from legitimate messages.

Measuring Pattern Quality

To quantify how well these patterns represent our data, we need a way to measure matrix size. The Frobenius norm extends our vector norm concept:

For vectors: $|x| = \sqrt{\sum_i x_i^2}$ measures total magnitude For matrices: \(\|A\|_F = \sqrt{\sum_{i,j} |a_{ij}|^2}\) measures total variation

This norm is natural because:

  1. It treats matrices as vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{mn}$
  2. It’s rotationally invariant: $|A|_F = |UAV^T|_F$
  3. It decomposes via singular values: $|A|_F = \sqrt{\sum_i \sigma_i^2}$

For our spam features:

# Three equivalent ways to measure total variation
print(f"Element-wise: {torch.sqrt((X**2).sum()):.1f}")  # 11.4
print(f"As vector:    {X.view(-1).norm():.1f}")        # 11.4
print(f"From SVD:     {S.norm():.1f}")                 # 11.4

Building Low-Rank Approximations

SVD expresses matrices as sums of rank-1 patterns:

$A = \sum_{i=1}^n \sigma_i u_i v_i^T$

Each term contributes:

We can approximate $A$ using just the first $k$ terms:

$A_k = \sum_{i=1}^k \sigma_i u_i v_i^T = U_k\Sigma_kV_k^T$

For our spam data:

def reconstruct(k):
    return (U[:, :k] @ torch.diag(S[:k]) @ V[:k, :])

# Compare reconstructions
original = X[0]  # First email features
rank1 = reconstruct(1)[0]  # Using only top pattern
rank2 = reconstruct(2)[0]  # Using top two patterns

print("Original:", original)
print("Rank 1:", rank1)
print("Rank 2:", rank2)

The Eckart-Young-Mirsky Theorem

This truncation isn’t just simple - it’s optimal. The theorem states that for any rank-$k$ matrix $B$:

\[\|A - A_k\|_F \leq \|A - B\|_F\]

Moreover, the error is exactly the discarded singular values:

\[\|A - A_k\|_F^2 = \sum_{i=k+1}^n \sigma_i^2\]

For our spam data:

def approx_error(k):
    """Compute relative error for rank-k approximation."""
    truncated = S[k:].norm(p=2)**2  # Squared Frobenius norm of discarded values
    total = S.norm(p=2)**2          # Total squared Frobenius norm
    return torch.sqrt(truncated/total)

# Show error decreases with rank
for k in range(1, 4):
    print(f"Rank {k} relative error: {approx_error(k):.2e}")
# Rank 1: 1.35e-01  (13.5% error)
# Rank 2: 5.03e-02  (5% error)
# Rank 3: 2.75e-02  (2.75% error)

The rapid decay of singular values (11.3 → 1.4 → 0.5) explains why low-rank approximations work well.

Pattern Analysis Example: Checkerboard

Some patterns require multiple components. Consider this checkerboard:

pattern_image = torch.tensor([
    [200,  50,  200,  50],  # Alternating bright-dark
    [50,  200,  50,  200],  # Opposite pattern
    [200,  50,  200,  50],  # First pattern repeats
    [50,  200,  50,  200]   # Second pattern repeats
], dtype=torch.float)

U, S, V = torch.linalg.svd(pattern_image)
print("Singular values:", S)
# tensor([5.0000e+02, 3.0000e+02, 8.8238e-06, 2.4984e-06])

print("Energy per pattern:", 100 * S**2 / torch.sum(S**2), "%")
# tensor([7.3529e+01, 2.6471e+01, 2.2900e-14, 1.8359e-15]) %

The SVD reveals two essential patterns:

  1. First pattern (73.5%):
    • $u_1$: Vertical pattern [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5]
    • $v_1$: Horizontal pattern [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5]
    • Product creates uniform intensity
  2. Second pattern (26.5%):
    • $u_2$: Alternating vertical [0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
    • $v_2$: Alternating horizontal [0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5]
    • Product creates checkerboard

Both patterns are necessary because:

  1. First pattern sets overall intensity level
  2. Second pattern creates alternation
  3. Both patterns needed for reconstruction
  4. Remaining patterns are numerical noise (~10⁻¹⁴%)

These principles extend to high-dimensional data:


PyTorch implements linear algebra efficiently through three key mechanisms:

  1. Tensors: Flexible N-dimensional arrays
    • Natural representation for data (temperature readings, images)
    • Automatic differentiation for optimization (later)
    • Hardware acceleration (CPU/GPU)
  2. Broadcasting: Implicit shape matching
    • Eliminates explicit loops (sensor calibration)
    • Memory efficient (no copies needed)
    • Parallelizes naturally
  3. SVD: Pattern discovery and compression
    • Optimal low-rank approximation (Eckart-Young-Mirsky)
    • Separates signal from noise
    • Reveals underlying structure

Essential Operations

# Data representation
x = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3])          # Vector (like temperature readings)
y = torch.zeros_like(x)              # Initialize (like sensor baseline)
z = torch.randn(3, 3)               # Random sampling
A = z.float()                       # Type conversion for computation

# Core computations
b = x + 2                           # Broadcasting (calibration)
c = torch.dot(x, x)                 # Inner product (pattern similarity)
d = A @ x                           # Matrix multiply (weighted average)
e = torch.mean(A, dim=0)            # Reduction (daily averages)

# Structure manipulation
f = A.t()                           # Transpose (change access pattern)
g = A.view(-1)                      # Reshape (flatten for computation)
h = A[:, :2]                        # Slice (select time window)

# Pattern analysis
U, S, V = torch.linalg.svd(A)       # Decomposition (find patterns)
norm = torch.norm(x, p=2)           # Vector norm (measure magnitude)

These operations combine to solve real problems:

  1. Data processing: Broadcasting + reduction for sensor calibration
  2. Pattern matching: Dot products + norms for similarity detection
  3. Dimensionality reduction: SVD for compression and denoising
  4. Feature extraction: Singular vectors capture dominant patterns

The key is choosing the right operation for each task: